Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Welp, I've been harvested! Trigger shot went great on Saturday night, and we went in first thing yesterday morning for the surgery (Monday morning.) Everything went well, I'm just very glad it's over. I won't write a lot now because I was taught that if I don't have anything nice to say, to not say it all. I'm hoping I'll start to feel better physically very soon and will be a bit more optimistic about this process!

They were able to harvest 26 eggs which is really, really good. We got a call today that 17 were able to become embryos. We'll know in 5 days how many survived to become blastocysts (the next stage of an embryo), and then in 2 weeks we'll know the genetic results. Fingers crossed that as many survive as possible throughout each stage.

We will write more when we know more. Love to all!

Before photo:
(I won't show the after. It aint pretty.)

1 comment:

  1. Yay Yay Yay!!!!! I'm thinking lots of blastocyst-y thoughts!! And lots of "feel better soon" thoughts. I hope this baby is good at giving mama back rubs someday. You'll deserve it.
