Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Five St. Patrick's Days ago, Will and I were in a limo bouncing around Irish bars, and we decided we made a pretty good team and so I should stop letting other guys buy me green beer. I like to imagine that during that limo ride, God was laughing saying "oh just wait to see what you'll two be doing 5 years from now on St. Patrick's Day!"

Today we soaked in all the luck we could get. It was Embryo Transfer Day! After a month of shots and meds, my body was ready for the transfer.

It's crazy how each step we've gone through has been a hard, uphill battle, and then today, the day we've been working towards, was so easy! We did acupuncture in the morning before hand, (studies show it can help your chances), and then we went into the procedural room. Unlike the harvest, Will got to come with me. You get to walk in, (no wheel chairs or bed gurney this time!), and then a swarm of people come in. 

The embryologist team came in first and confirmed my name, social, birthday, etc. to make sure they were using the right embryos. (So I guess I won't be accidentally have George Clooney's baby, after all). Then the doctor and nurse came to prep me. When the doc said I was ready, they wheeled in the embryos in this huge incubator. (Like what a baby would be in... it's crazy!) The embryologist and doctor use all this lingo back and forth, and then you get to see on the screen the little catheter that is making a little hole in the uterus. (It didn't hurt at all, although maybe I can thank the Valium for that.) Will watched the embryologist stick her hands through the little hand-holes in the incubator, (like she was handling a rare disease) and then put it in the catheter. (Will admitted he had a "oh crap, please don't drop it" moment.)  Then the doctor said "making the transfer!" and then, just like that, it was over. I lied there for another 15 minutes, and then they said I was free to stand up.  We did acupuncture again right after, and then we were free to go!  I've rested the rest of today, and I can't do anything strenuous for awhile. 

For us, we know that even if I have a positive test in 2 weeks, it'll be getting to hear the heartbeat that means things could be different this time. So we have 2 weeks until we find out if it's a positive test, and then another 2 after that to see if there's a heartbeat. (This also assumes we don't go completely insane during this period of waiting. The ladies in my amazing Sunday School class gave me a card and an activity to do each day of the Two-Week Wait. How adorable is that? I think I'm so excited for tomorrow just for that! What amazing friends we have. If I stay sane, I'll give them the credit entirely.) 

In the meantime, they try to make you feel like this isn't a complete scientific-experiment, and they give you your "baby's" first picture to dwell over. 

See that little white dot? Aren't those cells beautiful? :)

I don't have any clue how lucky the next 2-4 weeks will be for us. But I know today, as people texted us prayers, emojis, and well wishes; and as I held hands on our dating-versary with that same dude from the limo,  I felt pretty freaking lucky. 

Kendall and Will

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